Photograph of Brian MooreGet to know our travel consultants! When our clients are on the road or in the air, they are always under the care of a AAA consultant. Our consultants are available 24/7/365 so there is never a time when a client is left high and dry.

Our corporate travel consultants are referred to as the “roadside assistance” of business travel, and it’s that reliability that drives AAA’s reputation for superior service. Meet Brian Moore, International Consultant for AAA Corporate Travel. A 23 year veteran, Brian is one of nearly 50 consultants we have on staff that serve our corporate travel clients every day.

Q: How long have you been in corporate travel?

A: I have been in the corporate travel business for 23 years.

Q: What is your favorite part about your job?

A: I love helping clients get to where they need to be in the most efficient way possible. I also enjoy getting to know them as they feel comfortable to share about their family. Listening and finding out about their job is interesting to me. I think that creates a connection that will instill trust in what I do and that they’re important not just the next phone call.

Q: What do you like most about working for AAA?

A: I love the teamwork at AAA. We are all important in our part of the organization and helping to get the business traveler where they need to go so that our economy continues to flourish.

Q: Do you have a most memorable client experience you could share?

A: I had a traveler with a company I worked for who was always running late. One time, my parents were on a flight and it started to pull away from the gate and the flight attendant made an announcement asking if my traveler was on the plane. He wasn’t. So the plane pulled back to the gate and allowed him to board. My dad was later relaying the story and before he could say the name I asked him if it was my traveler and he said yes. Our office just burst out into laughter.

Q: Where is the best place you have visited for vacation? What did you like about it?

A: I think it’s a tie between Ireland and the Philippines. I was able to take my wife to Ireland early on in our marriage and just to watch her enjoyment of the countryside and castles was priceless as this had always been on her bucket list. For the Philippines, I got to visit a college friend who with his family had become a missionary. To get to see the work he and his family were doing and see a country half way around the world was very rewarding.

Q: If you could give business travelers one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Relax while you’re on your business trip and treat others with kindness. Feel confident that the travel piece is taken care of when you’re traveling with AAA and focus on what you’re there to do.