Get to know our travel consultants! When our clients are on the road or in the air, they are always under the care of a AAA consultant. Our consultants are available 24/7/365 so there is never a time when a client is left high and dry.

Our corporate travel consultants are referred to as the “roadside assistance” of business travel, and it’s that reliability that drives AAA’s reputation for superior service. Meet Jan Steele, International Travel Consultant for AAA Corporate Travel. A 37 year veteran, Jan is one of nearly 50 consultants we have on staff that serve our corporate travel clients every day.

Q: How long have you been in corporate travel?

A: I began my career in corporate and leisure travel in December 1983 and have been with AAA for 8 years in the corporate travel international department.

Q: What is your favorite part about your job?

A: What I love about my job is booking international travel and interacting with our customers and getting to know them. When you consistently book with the same travelers or arrangers, you build a rapport and it makes it so much easier and quicker for the traveler when you know their preferences and company requirements. I try to make the call as pleasant and as worry free as possible for them.

Q: What do you like most about working for AAA?

A: When I came to AAA, I was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere of the office. It was a much larger office than what I had been accustomed to. The corporate travel team and the supervisors were very friendly along with people that I met from other departments within AAA. Our department today continues to work as a team and we support each other professionally and personally. I can’t say enough about the people that surround me on a daily basis.

Q: Where is the best place you have visited for vacation? What did you like about it?

A: My favorite place that I have visited is Alaska. Even though it was in March and still very cold, it was an incredible trip. There is so much wilderness and uncharted territory. I saw the totem poles in Sitka and was able to do some ice fishing on the Bering Sea as well as a little bit of dog sledding. The mountain ranges and glaciers are majestic and the scenery in general is breathtaking! Your surrounding is amazingly peaceful and calming. It is Mother Nature at its finest!

Q: If you could give business travelers one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: In light of the current pandemic, we find that our family is our most prized possession. So for those of you that travel, whether in the states or out of the country, be vigilant, be safe and take care of yourselves so you can return home safely to them.