Get to know our travel consultants! When our clients are on the road or in the air, they are always under the care of a AAA consultant. Our consultants are available 24/7/365 so there is never a time when a client is left high and dry.

Our corporate travel consultants are referred to as the “roadside assistance” of business travel, and it’s that reliability that drives AAA’s reputation for superior service. Meet Jane Neely, Corporate Travel Consultant for AAA Corporate Travel. A 40 year veteran, Jane is one of nearly 50 consultants we have on staff that serve our corporate travel clients every day.

Q: How long have you been in corporate travel?

A: Ha! Longer than I can believe! I started at what is now AAA Corporate Travel on February 1, 1980.

Q: What is your favorite part about your job?

A: I love the interaction with my clients, but I equally love working with my peers and the management staff in the department. We truly are a ‘team’ together and it’s a pleasure to work with all of them.

Q: What do you like most about working for AAA?

A: I love the corporate culture that AAA Allied Group has adopted. It’s one of external AND internal customer service – that taking care of our own is just as important as taking care of our clients. It’s refreshing to know that your employer has your best interests at heart and truly understands the challenges of work/life balance, especially now.

Q: Do you have a most memorable client experience you could share?

A: Yes, a funny story! Back in the day those of us in the office used to dress up for Halloween. One year I came as a witch – rubber nose, green face, wig- the works. A client walked in and asked to meet me; he said I had been booking his travel for over a year and he wanted to thank me in person. I came out to greet him in my costume and he dead panned, ‘Well, it’s good to finally put a face to that voice”!

Q: Where is the best place you have visited for vacation? What did you like about it?

A: Oh, it’s hard to pick a favorite but my ‘happy’ place is St. Joseph Michigan on the lake. Beaches, wooded trails, wineries, fresh lake perch and gorgeous sunsets. I can stare at the lake for hours. It grounds me.

Q: If you could give business travelers one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Don’t go ANYWHERE without using a travel agent!!